The 6 Foot Goddess by Charles Bukowski: poetry podcast #16

I have a great poem for you today—it’s full of interesting tensions, love, sex and tenderness, but first I must warn you . . .

WARNING: This poem contains some ADULT LANGUAGE, ADULT CONTENT, and COARSE SLANG, so it’s not really suitable for children or people who are sensitive to these things.

What can I say, it’s Charles Bukowski—gotta love Charles Bukowski—and with him comes a bit of a bar mouth. {Click on his name above to find out more about this wonderful poet}

Now that all of my disclaimers are over, let’s get to it!

{this is a “block print” I made a long time ago (pre-blog) when I was messing around with some extra clay I had. I made a block by just cutting off a slab of clay and carving into it. Then I let the clay dry and printed it. Not sure if this is really a recommended technique, but it was fun! This little goddess sits on my desk, and I love her.}

And finally, the podcast:

You can read the words of this poem: here
I found the poem in Bukowski’s collection called Love is a Dog from Hell. Catchy title huh?

Have a wonderful day, and thanks for listening!

{listen to previous poetry podcasts}

1 Response to “The 6 Foot Goddess by Charles Bukowski: poetry podcast #16”

  1. 1 Mike McLaren April 19, 2010 at 7:24 am

    “laughter of the mutilated…” what a great phrase.

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Hello there! My name is Nicole K. Docimo, and I am an artist and writer from the U.S.A. but currently residing in Zurich, Switzerand. Thank you for visiting my blog!

Some Thoughts

"Be thirsty for the ultimate water,
and then be ready for what will
come pouring from the spring."

{from "Joy at Sudden Disappointment"
translated by C. Barks.}

~This Work ~

Unless otherwise noted, all images and writings on this blog were created by me, Nicole K. Docimo aka Blue Bicicletta. If you would like to share anything you see here for inspirational purposes online, I just ask that you kindly let folks know where you found it. If you are wanting to share/reproduce any of my work in any other way, or have any questions about how you will be sharing the work in relation to copyright, please contact me directly at nkdocimo {at} gmail {dot} com. Thanks!

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